ジェフ・ミルズ総指揮による舞台芸術作品『THE TRIP -Enter The Black Hole-』ワールドプレミア東京が2024年4月1日に初演。
世界最高峰のDJにしてデトロイトテクノのパイオニアであるジェフ・ミルズと、日本で最も革新的なビジュアル・チームであるCOSMIC LABの共同制作による舞台芸術作品『THE TRIP -Enter The Black Hole-』の世界初演。
本作品は、ブラックホールをテーマとして、総合演出、脚本、音楽をジェフ・ミルズが手がけ、その宇宙観/思考をCOSMIC LABが映像演出で拡張。さらに、ジェフ・ミルズと同じく1980年代初期より活動する戸川純がシンガーとして参加する他、コレオグラファーにはコンテンポラリーダンス〜デジタルアートと領域横断的な表現で世界的評価の高い梅田宏明。各出演者の舞台衣装は日本を代表するファッションブランド、FACETASMのデザイナー落合宏理が担当した。
COSMIC LAB開発のヴィジュアル装置と最上級の音響設備がインストールされたZEROTOKYOで上演された。
On April 1st 2024 the world premiere of “THE TRIP – Enter The Black Hole-,” a performing arts production co-produced by Jeff Mills, the world’s foremost DJ and pioneer of Detroit techno music, and COSMIC LAB, Japan’s most innovative visual team, was held at Shinjuku’s cutting edge music hall Zero Tokyo.
The theme of THE TRIP is based on the idea of and the philosophy behind black holes, with overall direction, script writing, and music by Jeff Mills, visual direction by COSMIC LAB, and live vocal production by Jun Togawa. Choreography was also provided by internationally acclaimed choreographer Hiroaki Umeda. Stage costumes were designed by Hiromichi Ochiai of Japan’s leading fashion brand FACETASM.
THE TRIP is a live expanded cinema show that describes a journey into the black hole, from the farthest reaches of the universe to the deepest depths of the human psyche, was performed at ZEROTOKYO, featuring the latest top-of-the-line sound equipment and COSMIC LAB’s latest groundbreaking visual system.
- Date :
2024.04.01 mon - Venue :
Axis Records | COSMIC LAB
Underground Gallery | DEGICO/CENTER - Main Sponsor: AUGER
- Project Partners (AtoZ) :
株式会社TSTエンタテイメント - Media Partners:
Time Out Tokyo
General Producer:
Yoko Uozumi (AXIS RECORDS) / Masaaki Ishizaki (Underground Gallery)Producer:
Izumi Takara (COSMIC LAB) / Kotaro Tanaka (Seikatsu)Lighting design & programmer: Masahiro Motoike (Faith Property)
- Stage production: Kotaro Tanaka (Seikatsu) / Yoshi Asano (Realtime)
Stage Manager: Noriko Sugie (CREATE OSAKA CO.LTD )
Sound Engineer: flagship
Venue Management: Kotaro Sato - Music Production (for Jun Togawa): Shinichi Yamaguchi (YAPOOS)
Console Making: Both
Black Hole Screen Making: GRANDCOBRA / agitpunktCostume Co-Designer: Aiko Kato (FACETASM)
Assistant Designer: Joosje Werre (FACETASM)
Pattern Maker: Koichi Kikuchi / Ryoko MonmaHair & Make: Masano
Graphic Designer: Shoko Nishiwaki (SN°graphics)
Graphic Designer (for the program): QOTAROO
Graphic Designer (for The Trip Cocktail):Yuko Shimizu (FUN DESIGN)
Photographer (OSAKA): Masakado Nishibayashi
Photographer (for LIVE at ZEROTOKYO): Yukitaka AmemiyaDocument Movie Unit: REALROCKDESIGN
A&R for Hiroaki Umeda: Suzuko Tanoiri
The Trip Cocktail Production Manager: Jiro Ide (JENERGY.INC)
Production Associates: Takahiro Saito (JNEA)Public Relations:
Takuya Nakatani / Tomo Tachikawa / Naoko Ueda
Keiko Hoshikawa / Kaoru Koike (KOIKE PRESS)International Marketing:
Elsa Sachet (Axis Records) / Carola Stoiber (PullProxy) / Kana Miyazawa
Album Promotion: U/M/A/A Inc.Cooperation: Jun Togawa Office
MISONO UNIVERSE / CLUB METRO / idealsolution / Itaru Mita©THE TRIP production committee 2024