12/26 @ 味園ユニバース / HAKUSHI HASEGAWA & COSMIC LAB presents “EPONYM 1A”
昨年末に大阪で初開催となったCOSMIC LAB × 長谷川白紙 共催 “Eponym1A”のレポートがBARKSに掲載されました。文章は小野島大さん、写真はEL CURI-NHOさん、あの日の空気感が蘇ってきます。 是非ご覧ください!
An article about the event we co-hosted with Hasegawa Hakushi and invited EYE(BOREDOMS) at the end of last year was published in BARKS.
Written by Dai Onoshima and photographed by EL CURI-NHO, it brings back the atmosphere of that day. Please take a look!